Sunday, 21 April 2013

MCH Registration & Appointments

Me and dearest husband went to Government Clinic to confirm/check PT on the day I found out that I'm pregnant which was on Thursday. Initially, I do registration at "Outpatient" section and they checked on my weight, then I told the nurse that I want to check PT. The nurse gave urine bottle to pee-on and told me to give it to another nurse to do PT. Few minutes after that, they gave me PT result paper for me to give the doctor.

After my queue number was called, I went to see the doctor and he checked on my blood pressure and gave me Folic Acid. Then, he told me to register at Mother Child Healthcare (MCH) clinic section.

On Saturday, we went to MCH for registration. They asked me to fill-in the form and gave me appointment card which included the date of my 1st appointment. Then, they asked me to get morning urine and to get my blood checked on the following Monday.

During my 1st appointment at MCH, they checked on my weight and also my urine for glucose and protein using urine test stripe (I don't know what they call it but they do teach me how to use it). Fyi, they will keep track on pregnant mothers' weight and urine on every appointment.

When my queue number was called, I went to see the nurse, she asked me about all my health history, checked on my blood pressure, symptoms / signs of pregnancy and also gave me some pregnancy tips, all these information was recorded on my own personal card. She also gave me Obimin pills.

For my 2nd appointment, also quite similar with my first appointment, they tracked on weight gain, blood pressure and urine. However, this time I have to meet the doctor. The doctor asked me to lay down, I thought she was going to check baby heartbeat but instead she checked on my ultrasound and there I saw my baby, OUR BABY! *ohh then I believe I'm pregnant after seeing baby inside my tummy haha* Nonetheless, the sad thing was the doctor didn't allow Yzd to came in to see our precious little ones. =__="

Syukur Alhamdulillah, 1st and 2nd appointment went well, no health problems, except me being underweight hehe. 3rd appointment will be next week.  Me & Yzd are soo looking forward it! :D Hope Baby & Mama always in Good health! Amin ya rabbal alamin!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Double Line :: Syukur Alhamdulillah!

A night before Mar 4th, 2013. dear Husband bought pregnancy test for me from Guardian since my period was late. I kept making excuses saying that maybe it was caused by changes in hormone or something (but actually doesn't want to face the truth if the result is -ve hehe!)

The following day which was on Monday, I still refused to use the PT (early in the morning, jual mahal lah sgt), however I brought it to the office just in case I changed my mind, which was so true! Before I drink anything (pregnancy test work best with morning urine), I decided to try the pregnancy test (yes, it was at my office toilet, which I found so weird hahaa). Waiting patiently.. my eyes nearly bulging out looking at the DOUBLE lines and I nearly knocked off the pregnancy test, DISBELIEF I was! haha coz I REALLY REALLY didn't expect it. Alhamdulillah!

Afterward, I tried to call dear Husband, but I couldn't reach him, so I just texted him "Congratulations! U're going to be a Daddy!" yes just that phrase coz I don't know what to say anymore haha. But then, still feeling disbelief, I texted my colleagues whom I really close with, asking innocently "If pregnancy test shows double lines, is that possible it means NOT pregnant?" ofcourse they told me it was impossible! :P

To cut it short, me and Husband went to clinic to confirm it. Yes, it was +VE. Baby has been inside my cute tummy for about 6 weeks already. Syukur Alhamdulillah..

"La ila ha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zolimin" Semoga baby & mama always in good health, sentiasa dibawah lindungan Allah jua. Amin ya rabbal alamin.. Pls pray for us to have a smooth journey.. :)

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Pregnancy Linea Negra

I have this vertical line below my belly button since being pregnant. Can't recall when did I start to realise or being curious about it. Hehe! but then I found out that it's called Linea Negra.

What is Linea Negra?

"You have probably never noticed the pale line, called the linea alba, that runs from your belly button to the top of your pubic bone. It is usually the same color as your skin, but during pregnancy this line may darken (usually during your second trimester) and is then called a linea negra (Latin for "black line”).

Pic. Source:
This darkening is caused by increases in estrogen and progesterone, which in turn step up production of the pigment melanin, a condition known as hyperpigmentation. Fair skinned women show linea negra less often than women with darker pigmentation. And some research suggests there may be a link between linea negra and insulin.

An old wives' tale claims that if your linea negra runs only to your navel, you are carrying a girl; but if it goes all the way up to the xiphoid (bottom-most part of the center of your ribcage), it's a boy.

There is no way to prevent or erase the linea negra. However, if it bothers you, here's what you can do:

- Reduce pigment changes by protecting yourself from the sun and avoiding bleaching products.

- Get enough folic acid. Folic acid deficiency may increase skin discoloration.

- If the line bothers you, try covering it up with some concealing makeup.

Your linea negra will lighten within several months of your baby's birth, but for some women, it never completely disappears."

*** My Linea Negra ends at my belly button, so is that mean there is baby girl inside my tummy? :D Wallahhua'lam bissawab!